Saturday 5 January 2013

Love Life - Feng Shui Malaysia

Lately received some inquires from customers to me @ Feng Shui Malaysia Website (Eastelligence.Com) in regard to enhance their love life. 

I'm NOT encourage they activate "Yearly Flying Star 1". This is because the "Love" may not directly coming to them BUT it may go the family (who are married) that staying with him/her.
Hence, pls refer the chart. It will "Tailor Made" only base on their respective DOB (BaZi). Mean the "Love" will only coming to them (Not other family members who staying with them)

Animal - Love Direction/Corner
巳 酉 丑 - 午
申 子 辰 - 酉
亥 卯 未 - 子
寅 午 戌 - 卯

Accessories To Activate : TBA base on Individual Animal Farm. Pls send in for answer respectively.

麥 釜 榮
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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