Tuesday 10 September 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - Dining Room

                Photo: Tips for the Dining Room

The feng shui of the family dining room is very important if you want to activate for abundance luck for the family. The ideal location for the dining room is in the center or deep inside the home. When the heart of the home is regularly occupied by the whole family, it creates harmony and prosperity luck.

Important tips to ensure an auspicious dining room:

1.Place the three star gods Fuk Luk Sau in your dining room to bring health, wealth and prosperity to the family.
2.Fix a large mirror on one of the walls of your dining room to double the food on the table, symbolizing abundance.
3.The best shapes for your dining table are round, rectangular or Pa Kua shaped (8-sided).
4.Hang a chandelier in the center above the dining table.
5.Display fresh flowers on your table to create vibrant chi energy.
6.Arrange your family members to sit and eat facing their auspicious directions based on their respective kua numbers.
7.For wealth accumulation luck, display a bowl of garlic as a centerpiece to your dining table. The garlic need not be real.
8.Place a Tang Bell at the side of your dining table. Knock the bell 3 times before you start each meal to welcome good fortune chi.

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design at http://goo.gl/V9ANh1 !

Tips for the Dining Room

The feng shui of the family dining room is very important if you want to activate for abundance luck for the family. The ideal location for the dining room is in the center or deep inside the home. When the heart of the home is regularly occupied by the whole family, it creates harmony and prosperity luck.

Important tips to ensure an auspicious dining room:

1.Place the three star gods Fuk Luk Sau in your dining room to bring health, wealth and prosperity to the family.
2.Fix a large mirror on one of the walls of your dining room to double the food on the table, symbolizing abundance.
3.The best shapes for your dining table are round, rectangular or Pa Kua shaped (8-sided).
4.Hang a chandelier in the center above the dining table.
5.Display fresh flowers on your table to create vibrant chi energy.
6.Arrange your family members to sit and eat facing their auspicious directions based on their respective kua numbers.
7.For wealth accumulation luck, display a bowl of garlic as a centerpiece to your dining table. The garlic need not be real.
8.Place a Tang Bell at the side of your dining table. Knock the bell 3 times before you start each meal to welcome good fortune chi.

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design athttp://goo.gl/V9ANh1 !



麥 釜 榮

Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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