Monday 14 October 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - Tips to Bring You Career Success II

Photo: Tips to Bring You Career Success

West Group Energizer
•  Energize the West with a model aeroplane laden with coins tied with red thread. Bells and windchimes are also effective.
•  Energize the Northwest in the same way. Do not put bright lights in either the West or Northwest as these will magnify all your 
•  Energize the Southwest with lots of natural crystals. If your main office door is also located in the Southwest, then placing a
large crystal here is most effective. A large amethyst crystal boulder with a deep ‘pocket’ to capture all the good fortune 
coming into office is ideal for attracting good business luck. 
•  Energize the Northeast in the same way as the Southwest, but it is not necessary to display crystals that are too large here.

To get more accurate individual situation tips, Make appointment @ sms/whatsapp/wechat < +6011 1223 3990 > & register at

Tips to Bring You Career Success


West Group Energizer
• Energize the West with a model aeroplane laden with coins tied with red thread. Bells and windchimes are also effective.

• Energize the Northwest in the same way. Do not put bright lights in either the West or Northwest as these will magnify all your

• Energize the Southwest with lots of natural crystals. If your main office door is also located in the Southwest, then placing a large crystal here is most effective. A large amethyst crystal boulder with a deep ‘pocket’ to capture all the good fortune
coming into office is ideal for attracting good business luck.

• Energize the Northeast in the same way as the Southwest, but it is not necessary to display crystals that are too large here.

To get more accurate individual situation tips, Make appointment @ sms/whatsapp/wechat < +6011 1223 3990 > & register at

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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