Monday, 28 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - Do Your Mobile No. Bring You Big Business ?


Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - Water & Feng Shui


[Water] is an important factor in terms of Feng Shui. Dirty, Smelly, Dead [Water] surround your house and Condo will bring you bad luck. Your family members will be sick easily and as the owner of the house/condo, Dirty and Smelly [Water] will affect your Money Luck and Wealth. Beware of it and Do Keep an eye on your house Ditch as well. Cleanup your Ditch often to keep water clean.风水室外篇/fengshuihomepenang/

Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - Highway vs Condo / House Feng Shui




Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - Moral Of The Story

有个寺庙,因藏有一串佛祖戴过的珠而闻名。念珠的供奉之地只有庙里的老住持和7个弟子知道。7个弟子都很有悟性,老住持觉得将来把衣钵传给他们中的任何一个,都可以光大佛法。 不想那串念珠突然不见了。


7天过去了,念珠依然不知去向。老住持又说:“只要承认了,念珠就归谁。” 但又过去了7天,还是没人承认。

老住持很失望:“明天你们就下山吧。拿了念珠的人,如果想留下就留下。” 第二天,6个弟子收拾好东西,长长地舒了口气,干干净净地走了。只有一个弟子留下来。

老住持问留下的弟子:“念珠呢?” 弟子说:“我没拿。” “那为何要背个偷窃之名?”弟子说:“这几天我们几个相互猜疑,有人站出来,其他人才能得到解脱。再说,念珠不见了,佛还在呀。



不是所有的事情都需要说清楚。然而比说清楚更重要的,是: 能承担; 能行动;能化解; 能扭转; 能改变; 能想自己,更能想别人,顾全大局,这就是法。这不仅是一种境界,更是一种大智慧. 让我们一起改变!

Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - What Can I-Ching Predict (易经占卦) ?

                                   i ching posting photo

I Ching is an interesting subject and straight to the point in helping you to predict if your sales will be successful this month, if your sales appointment would be on positive track, if your wealth be on the going up trend and if you suffer from any blockage or disturbance.
You May ask, if I know it, can I avoid it? My answer would be, it always has a solution to minimize the impact to you, even though it is not 100%, yet if it could bring you from 30% to 70%, isn’t that great enough?
The most interesting part is, in performing I-Ching Prediction, below is not require:
1) No need DOB or Bazi
2) We can ask on behalf for someone who is not around during the time.
Method to start off:-
1) Mobile Number
2) Car Plate Number
3) House Plate Number
4) Time during the moments when question is being raise up
5) Or any related colour, numbers you can relate when you ask the question
Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Monday, 7 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - Feng Shui Mountain


除了传统的左青龙,右白虎,前朱雀,后玄武等之外,还要考虑周边有没有刹气存在,如低压煞,割脚煞(离马路太近),镰刀煞(桥或马路成反弓),白虎煞(楼宇右方有动土),穿剑煞(走廊过长),飞刀煞,梯冲煞等。此外房屋也不要对正政府机关,消防队,医院,电房,垃圾池,电线杆等煞气重的地方. 房屋附近也不该有教堂和寺庙,因为这些地方会令附近的气场或能量受到干扰而影响人的生存环境。此外,与火焚场,殡仪馆,墓地等地方为邻的房屋也属不吉,还是避开为妙。

Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( : I-Ching Prediction (易经占卦)

Lately, I extended I-Ching Prediction (易经占卦) for friends, mostly they preferred to use hp no., car no., house no. etc.

However, the image keep revise on 3rd line (动三爻) meaning is dangerous line (危险爻).

No choices for me but to advise the 2 remedies for them. Hopefully nothing will happen.

Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia ( - Office Feng Shui


室外风水之一 : 风宜柔和


Master Mak 麥 釜 榮
Eastelligence Connection