Thursday 29 December 2022

Master Mak - Feng Shui Audit / Inspection & Yi-Jing Numerology Prediction (易经风水&占卦) 易经风水堪察 (I-Ching & Feng Shui World)

🔥 2023 第二天就为顾客进行宅运提升.
🔥 风水勘察 + 开光 + 紫微论命 = 事主才能获得最好的效果.
⚠️ 开光后,威力增加 3x 以上。
🔥 2023 2nd day : Feng Shui Audit + Blessing + Reading Destiny Chart = Ensure owner obtain the Wealthy + Healthy + Prosperity as the same time.
⚠️ Power increase 3x after blessing.

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