Saturday 7 September 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - Activate the Elements in the Living Room IV

Photo: Activate the Elements in the Living Room

North: Use an oil painting of a waterfall placed on the North wall to signify water coming from the North to enhance for good career luck.

Northwest: Paint the walls here white and match with grey curtains to activate the luck of the patriarch. Avoid too much red in this corner.

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design at !

Activate the Elements in the Living Room

North: Use an oil painting of a waterfall placed on the North wall to signify water coming from the North to enhance for good career luck.

Northwest: Paint the walls here white and match with grey curtains to activate the luck of the patriarch. Avoid too much red in this corner.

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design at !

麥 釜 榮

Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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