Thursday 5 September 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - Balanced Door Vs Window Ratio

                            Photo: Auspicious Furniture Arrangements

*Have a Balanced Door:Window Ratio

It is best not to have 2 doors or more in the living room. If so, it is advisable to close some of them. As for windows, the ratio of window to doors should not exceed 3:1. Use curtains to hide the presence of windows if there are too many. (Transparent sliding doors to reveal the view of the garden do not count as windows.)

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design at !

Auspicious Furniture Arrangements

*Have a Balanced Door:Window Ratio

It is best not to have 2 doors or more in the living room. If so, it is advisable to close some of them. As for windows, the ratio of window to doors should not exceed 3:1. Use curtains to hide the presence of windows if there are too many. (Transparent sliding doors to reveal the view of the garden do not count as windows.)

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design at !

麥 釜 榮
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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