Tuesday 3 September 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - Furniture Arrangement (Part I)

                 Photo: Auspicious Furniture Arrangements

*Activate The 4 Celestial Animals

Place the main sofa (3 or 4 seater) against a solid wall to represent the Black Tortoise. On the right of the main sofa, place a one-seater to simulate the White Tiger. Place a 2-seater on the left side to represent the Green Dragon. Place a coffee table in front to symbolize the Phoenix. This arrangement will attract good fortune and creates protective luck for the family.

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design at http://goo.gl/V9ANh1 !

Auspicious Furniture Arrangements

*Activate The 4 Celestial Animals

Place the main sofa (3 or 4 seater) against a solid wall to represent the Black Tortoise. On the right of the main sofa, place a one-seater to simulate the White Tiger. Place a 2-seater on the left side to represent the Green Dragon. Place a coffee table in front to symbolize the Phoenix. This arrangement will attract good fortune and creates protective luck for the family.

Consult your advisor for individual Feng Shui Design athttp://goo.gl/V9ANh1 !



麥 釜 榮
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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