Friday 4 October 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - 10 Easy Feng Shui Tips II & III

Photo: 10 easy Feng Shui Tips To Help Enhance Your Home Or Workplace

2. Fix anything broken.

Either mend it or get rid of it. I know that can be hard sometimes but be strong! Broken objects or appliances are a feng shui no-no. Clocks that no longer work are included in this.

3. Get rid of dried flowers.

Again, this can be difficult, (I used to have loads!) but in feng shui terms they are dead energy. Don’t forget that pot pourri is included in this! Silk flowers are fine by the way.

For more personal advise and consultation on fengshui design,Make appointment @  0111 2233 990 & register at

10 easy Feng Shui Tips To Help Enhance Your Home Or Workplace

2. Fix anything broken.

Either mend it or get rid of it. I know that can be hard sometimes but be strong! Broken objects or appliances are a feng shui no-no. Clocks that no longer work are included in this.

3. Get rid of dried flowers.

Again, this can be difficult, (I used to have loads!) but in feng shui terms they are dead energy. Don’t forget that pot pourri is included in this! Silk flowers are fine by the way.

For more personal advise and consultation on fengshui design,Make appointment @ +6011 1223 3990 & register at

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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