Wednesday 1 January 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia - 2014 House Spring Cleaning (Coming Soon)

年关将至,辞旧迎新,又到了该进行大掃除的时刻啦!新春掃塵有把一切"窮運"、"晦氣"通通掃出門的意思,同时用一个全新的、好的环境迎接新一年的到来。那么,要在那个吉日进行这项流行於全國各地的华人習俗呢?Feng Shui Malaysia 将在明晚跟大家分享春節大掃除的黄道吉日,敬请各位密切留意 !

Hi All,
Feng Shui Malaysia will be sharing with you the “Good day” for 2014 House Spring Cleaning on tomorrow night. Stay Tune.

<<Please like and share out this information to your friends and families so that they will be receiving this information as well on tomorrow night>>

Whatsapp / SMS/ to 6012-6543600 OR

Email to and leave your name, mobile no and question.

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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