Saturday 18 January 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia - Schedule For Next Events

Just finished the I-Ching (易经) and Feng Shui Sharing at Nu Skin.
Rushing for next week event :-

1) Monday - I-Ching Prediction (易经占卦)

2) Tue/Wed - Going to KL again.

3) Thursday - Property Market Preview, I-Ching (易经) & Feng Shui Sharing for 2014 in Suntech. 

4) Friday - Prudential Insurance Sharing & Talk again.

Whatsapp / SMS/ to 6012-6543600 OR

Email to and leave your name, mobile no and question.

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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