Friday, 14 February 2014

Feng Shui Malaysia - What's the Most Prosperous Industry in 2014 ?

Photo: <Chinese Version is at the bottom of this post>  
Best on prediction, the best industry in 2014 is Finance, Stock market, Entertainment, Catering related. In 2014, these industries are best to excel in the market after the slow for many years, it will rise again in the next year. Why is this? Because in 2014, the Lucky Star flew to ‘Dui’ area and ‘Dui’ in Ba Gua represent mouth, hence industry and career that needs to do a lot of speaking, talking, will be very prosperous, such as training, catering, entertainment, music industry, etc. Aside, as Dui in 5 elements represent metal, hence finance industry will also be thriving, yet for banking sector and stocks will require some rivalry, volatility before some great results. 
Next will be the Chemical industry, Electrical industry, Beauty, Cultural Industry, Medicine Industry and those Writers. In fact, in recent years there, it has been a very busy year in the Beauty line. In 2014, the Lucky Star flew to ‘Li Gua’ and ‘Li Gua’ represents Fire Elements in Ba Gua, hence industry and career related to ‘Fire’ elements will move to next level. These include but not limited to Chemistry Industry, Electrical Industry, Beauty Line, Cultural & Art, Writers, Painters, Medical Industry etc. These are also the profitable industry in 2014 which you can explore further.
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2014 年最旺培训业、金融业、股市、娱乐业、饮食业。在2014年里面,这些行业是最旺的,投资下去也往往会得财,也可以说,这些行业在低沉了很多年之后,在明年会重新崛起。这是为什么呢?因为在2014年里,根据九星运布规律,旺星六白飞到兑宫,兑为七运,本来通气,但是六白旺星到,由衰转旺。同时,兑在八卦里面类象为口、五行属金、为破军,因此,和口有关的行业在2014年都会很兴旺,比如培训业,饮食业、娱乐业、唱片业等等,就属于这些行业性质,所以会兴旺。又金也可以代表金融,所以金融业明年也会步入兴旺的行列,开始发力。但是六七交剑,金融比如银行、股票这些行业在2014年要先经历一番较劲、波动、反复之后,才会迎来生机勃勃的春天。投资以上行业最容易赚到。
其次,2014 年也很旺化工业、电器业、美容业、文化业、中医业、作家。其实这几年里面,美容业一直是一个很旺的行业,原因和08年开始的五子运中的戊子旬有关,这个是五运六气中的木运,木旺自然旺火的行业,因此,美容业从08年一直能旺到2020年,这期间是一个小高峰。而在2014年里面,八白财星飞到离宫,因此,离宫代表的旺业也会异常的兴旺发达。这里面包括化工、电器、美容、文化、艺术、作家、画家、中医等行业,在2014年一定是容易赚钱、最赚钱的行业等等。

<Chinese Version is at the bottom of this post> 
Best on prediction, the best industry in 2014 is Finance, Stock market, Entertainment, Catering related. In 2014, these industries are best to excel in the market after the slow for many years, it will rise again in the next year. Why is this? Because in 2014, the Lucky Star flew to ‘Dui’ area and ‘Dui’ in Ba Gua represent mouth, hence industry and career that needs to do a lot of speaking, talking, will be very prosperous, such as training, catering, entertainment, music industry, etc. Aside, as Dui in 5 elements represent metal, hence finance industry will also be thriving, yet for banking sector and stocks will require some rivalry, volatility before some great results.
Next will be the Chemical industry, Electrical industry, Beauty, Cultural Industry, Medicine Industry and those Writers. In fact, in recent years there, it has been a very busy year in the Beauty line. In 2014, the Lucky Star flew to ‘Li Gua’ and ‘Li Gua’ represents Fire Elements in Ba Gua, hence industry and career related to ‘Fire’ elements will move to next level. These include but not limited to Chemistry Industry, Electrical Industry, Beauty Line, Cultural & Art, Writers, Painters, Medical Industry etc. These are also the profitable industry in 2014 which you can explore further.
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2014 年最旺培训业、金融业、股市、娱乐业、饮食业。在2014年里面,这些行业是最旺的,投资下去也往往会得财,也可以说,这些行业在低沉了很多年之后,在明年会重新崛起。这是为什么呢?因为在2014年里,根据九星运布规律,旺星六白飞到兑宫,兑为七运,本来通气,但是六白旺星到,由衰转旺。同时,兑在八卦里面类象为口、五行属金、为破军,因此,和口有关的行业在2014年都会很兴旺,比如培训业,饮食业、娱乐业、唱片业等等,就属于这些行业性质,所以会兴旺。又金也可以代表金融,所以金融业明年也会步入兴旺的行列,开始发力。但是六七交剑,金融比如银行、股票这些行业在2014年要先经历一番较劲、波动、反复之后,才会迎来生机勃勃的春天。投资以上行业最容易赚到。
其次,2014 年也很旺化工业、电器业、美容业、文化业、中医业、作家。其实这几年里面,美容业一直是一个很旺的行业,原因和08年开始的五子运中的戊子旬有关,这个是五运六气中的木运,木旺自然旺火的行业,因此,美容业从08年一直能旺到2020年,这期间是一个小高峰。而在2014年里面,八白财星飞到离宫,因此,离宫代表的旺业也会异常的兴旺发达。这里面包括化工、电器、美容、文化、艺术、作家、画家、中医等行业,在2014年一定是容易赚钱、最赚钱的行业等等。

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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