Thursday, 5 December 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - 2014 Flying Star No. 4 (中宮 - 四綠文曲星 )

            Photo: 2014 Feng Shui Flying Star 4 / 中宮 - 四綠文曲星(吉)

In the middle palace - four green Wenqu star (auspicious)
Four green Wenqu star's five elements are wood, the color is emerald green, acquired gossip in Sunda Fang southeast position. Four green wood, as the eldest daughter, Wenchang controls the articles are matchless, the famous imperial examination, the woman looks brilliant, good marriage. If it counteracts, men and women all have bad luck. 
Four green star lost order, as peach disaste star, will provoke the scourge of wine and women, vulnerable mad roaring overflow of blood, liver and gallbladder, as well as below the waist problems. In ancient times when this star lost orders, will be fulfilled with suicide, in modern society fulfilled with medication suicide, and drug related. Currently it is Ba Yun, four green star lost orders. The next Four Yun will start from the 2104. San Yun will start from 2084, four green star is prosperous.
The four green Wenqu star will fly in the middle palace in 2014, which controls Wenchang, fame, high academic achievers, and may provoke popularity and peach. If the desk is placed here, there will be great progress academically. If processing instruments at this position, people can be flexible and clever, and work is smoothly. Working people, then GANGSTER met Tupper, will have a better chance to showcase their talents, outstanding performance, so that work is ascending steadily. This is also the Wenquxing can make you popular, it may be more appropriate use of forming popularity, excluding villain and provoke an ideal marriage shipment.
Way to enhance luck
1.In this position should place the red side items on this position, such as the red carpet.
2. The middle palace is also conducive in feng shui, in living room must have a fish tank, if it is the direction of the study room, the basin, water bottle, plug lucky bamboo can make you have good health, good for kids to learn, especially in the upcoming college entrance exams students.
3.In this position placed round leaf, with roots of plants, make family harmony, wealth prosperity, career smoothly.

1.    宜在此方位置上擺放紅色物品,如紅色地毯等。
2.    中宮方位也利于見水,客廳中宮一定要有魚缸,如果是書房中宮方向可以由水盆、水瓶,插上富貴竹,這對我們身體好,對小孩學習好,特別即將大學考試的學生。
3.    在此方位放置圓葉、帶根的植物,可使家庭和睦、財運昌盛、事業順暢。

2014 Feng Shui Flying Star 4 / 中宮 - 四綠文曲星(吉)

In the middle palace - four green Wenqu star (auspicious)
Four green Wenqu star's five elements are wood, the color is emerald green, acquired gossip in Sunda Fang southeast position. Four green wood, as the eldest daughter, Wenchang controls the articles are matchless, the famous imperial examination, the woman looks brilliant, good marriage. If it counteracts, men and women all have bad luck.
Four green star lost order, as peach disaste star, will provoke the scourge of wine and women, vulnerable mad roaring overflow of blood, liver and gallbladder, as well as below the waist problems. In ancient times when this star lost orders, will be fulfilled with suicide, in modern society fulfilled with medication suicide, and drug related. Currently it is Ba Yun, four green star lost orders. The next Four Yun will start from the 2104. San Yun will start from 2084, four green star is prosperous.
The four green Wenqu star will fly in the middle palace in 2014, which controls Wenchang, fame, high academic achievers, and may provoke popularity and peach. If the desk is placed here, there will be great progress academically. If processing instruments at this position, people can be flexible and clever, and work is smoothly. Working people, then GANGSTER met Tupper, will have a better chance to showcase their talents, outstanding performance, so that work is ascending steadily. This is also the Wenquxing can make you popular, it may be more appropriate use of forming popularity, excluding villain and provoke an ideal marriage shipment.

Way to enhance luck
1.In this position should place the red side items on this position, such as the red carpet.
2. The middle palace is also conducive in feng shui, in living room must have a fish tank, if it is the direction of the study room, the basin, water bottle, plug lucky bamboo can make you have good health, good for kids to learn, especially in the upcoming college entrance exams students.
3.In this position placed round leaf, with roots of plants, make family harmony, wealth prosperity, career smoothly.




1. 宜在此方位置上擺放紅色物品,如紅色地毯等。

2. 中宮方位也利于見水,客廳中宮一定要有魚缸,如果是書房中宮方向可以由水盆、水瓶,插上富貴竹,這對我們身體好,對小孩學習好,特別即將大學考試的學生。

3. 在此方位放置圓葉、帶根的植物,可使家庭和睦、財運昌盛、事業順暢。

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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