Sunday, 15 December 2013

Feng Shui Malaysia - 2014 Flying Star of No.2 (東方 : 二黑巨門星)

                                   Photo: 2014 (風水流年飛星) Feng Shui Flying Star 

東方 : 二黑巨門星 (大兇) 
East : Two Black Ju Men Star (Big Fierce)

Two Black Ju Men Star's five elements are earth, the color is yellow, brown, yellow and black. When Two Black Ju Men Star is in season, ranked respected, home is booming, their lands are rich with prosperous generation and wealth, is bound to be honorable at military, can produce hero, woman is in power, is always resourceful and thrifty, can be as dominance. This star is in season, may have a physician or a supernatural or immortal being. Currently it is Ba Yun, Two Black Ju Men Star is the disease star, belongs to a malefic. Untill 40 years later, that is in 2044 it will become lucky.
Two Black Ju Men Star will fly to east in 2014, which represents disease, pain, and stomach pain flesh disease, mass annihilation, it is not favorable for groundbreaking where the star reaches. If the door is located in this side, which may be susceptible to disease or sudden changes in health, and even surgery. It is necessary to be on your guard. If the bedrooms are on the east orientation, should pay special attention to the body in this year, you are likely to have an unexpected disaster, especially the couple's bedroom in the east direction, but also to pay attention to. Disaster in the east in this year is very heavy, large to countries, small to every family all should pay attention to this position.

Way to resolve :

1. The unveiling light copper gourd can be placed here, or hang up the unveiling six coins.

2. To resolve the damage brought by Bing Fu star, you can place golden Lucky attributes (brave, toad, etc.) feng shui supplies on this side.

3.If the door or front door are placed in this position, you can hang bells to resolve.

4.If the Bing Fu star reaches bedtime bed position, health will be affected throughout the year, you may hang gourd to eliminate disease-bearing disaster in the bed .




1.    可在此位上擺放開光銅葫蘆,或掛上六枚開光銅錢。

2.    若要化解病符飛臨之傷害,可在此方擺放招財屬性是金(貔貅、金蟾等)的風水用品。

3.    若大門或房門設在此方位置,可掛上銅鈴化煞。

4.    倘若病符加臨睡床位置,整年身體健康會受影響,不妨在床頭掛葫蘆以消病息災。

2014 (風水流年飛星) Feng Shui Flying Star 

東方 : 二黑巨門星 (大兇) 
East : Two Black Ju Men Star (Big Fierce)

Two Black Ju Men Star's five elements are earth, the color is yellow, brown, yellow and black. When Two Black Ju Men Star is in season, ranked respected, home is booming, their lands are rich with prosperous generation and wealth, is bound to be honorable at military, can produce hero, woman is in power, is always resourceful and thrifty, can be as dominance. This star is in season, may have a physician or a supernatural or immortal being. Currently it is Ba Yun, Two Black Ju Men Star is the disease star, belongs to a malefic. Untill 40 years later, that is in 2044 it will become lucky.
Two Black Ju Men Star will fly to east in 2014, which represents disease, pain, and stomach pain flesh disease, mass annihilation, it is not favorable for groundbreaking where the star reaches. If the door is located in this side, which may be susceptible to disease or sudden changes in health, and even surgery. It is necessary to be on your guard. If the bedrooms are on the east orientation, should pay special attention to the body in this year, you are likely to have an unexpected disaster, especially the couple's bedroom in the east direction, but also to pay attention to. Disaster in the east in this year is very heavy, large to countries, small to every family all should pay attention to this position.

Way to resolve :

1. The unveiling light copper gourd can be placed here, or hang up the unveiling six coins.

2. To resolve the damage brought by Bing Fu star, you can place golden Lucky attributes (brave, toad, etc.) feng shui supplies on this side.

3.If the door or front door are placed in this position, you can hang bells to resolve.

4.If the Bing Fu star reaches bedtime bed position, health will be affected throughout the year, you may hang gourd to eliminate disease-bearing disaster in the bed .




1. 可在此位上擺放開光銅葫蘆,或掛上六枚開光銅錢。

2. 若要化解病符飛臨之傷害,可在此方擺放招財屬性是金(貔貅、金蟾等)的風水用品。

3. 若大門或房門設在此方位置,可掛上銅鈴化煞。

4. 倘若病符加臨睡床位置,整年身體健康會受影響,不妨在床頭掛葫蘆以消病息災。

PM me to find out more.

麥 釜 榮 ( 麦釜荣 )
Mak Foo Wengg
Cell Phone : +6011-1214 3468

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